How do social emotional learning and self defense intersect?

How do social emotional learning and self defense intersect?

For a child who is a rule follower or people pleaser, no amount of martial arts eduction, regardless of discipline, will instill a reflexive response for self advocacy or the internal drive to protect their physical space.

These children are frequent targets of bullies and predators; individuals who can easily identify those targetable traits from those they seek to abuse. There are also children who struggle with self advocacy because they do not want to get anyone in trouble or avoid having attention drawn to themselves; characteristics that pave the way for patterns of unhealthy relationships in the future. Self advocacy and personal efficacy are just as essential as being able to create strong physical boundaries. In fact, they are the fist step toward a healthier, happier life.

Our program has created a multifaceted approach to personal safety, self advocacy and boundary setting. Allowing your child to safely explore their own conflict management style and build a healthier future. As professional violence mitigators with over 70-years of collective service and education in Behavioral Analysis, Military, Federal Law Enforcement, Defensive Tactics Israeli Trained Krav Maga and the US Threat and Countermeasures National Nuclear Administration we understand that violence is not only about physical response.

In fact, if we only address the physical response we haven’t addressed violence at all. Healthy growth begins with social emotional learning, an ability to establish and verbalize personal boundaries with an emphasis on mastering social interactions. We believe that children of all neuro-abilities are able to learn and practice reading body language, identify red flag behaviors and necessary verbal / physical response to keep themselves safe.

Social Emotional Self-Defense™ at Shaan Saar Krav Maga

Research indicates that SEL programs significantly improve academic performance, lowers levels of emotional distress, disruptive behavior and risky behaviors among peers. Our SEL program combines empirical research supported strategies with physical framework for safety in a fun, engaging manner that will last a lifetime. Schedule your child’s Discovery Session today and find out if we’re the right fit for your family! Have more questions? Check out our FAQ

More about SEL…

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process which individuals acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills associated with the following core areas of social and emotional competency:

Self-Awareness: identifying and recognizing emotions; accurate self-perception; recognizing strengths, needs, and values; self-efficacy
Self-Management: impulse control and stress management; self-motivation and discipline; goal setting and organizational skills
Social Awareness: perspective taking; empathy; difference recognition; respect for others
Relationship Skills: communication, social engagement, and relationship building; working cooperatively; negotiation, refusal, and conflict management; help seeking
Responsible Decision-making: problem identification and situation analysis; problem solving; evaluation and reflection; personal, social, and ethical responsibility

Social And Emotional Learning And Student Benefits: Implications for the Safe School/Healthy Students core elements. Sponsored by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (DHHS/PHS)

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